30 Images, with Words

For the next 30 days, I’ll (perhaps) be posting one image each day, with some words that might relate to it. I got the idea from Moose at the Love on the Run blog, and she got the idea from 30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth at Marc and Angel Hack Life: Practical Tips for Productive Living. God knows I am already extremely practical, and I’m not looking to be more productive, or productive at all, but still this idea feels right to me right now. Continue reading 30 Images, with Words

What’s Up?

This is the longest period of time between postings in the 7 years I’ve had this blog. I wonder what’s up with that? Maybe: 1. I now post photos and travelogues on Facebook and Flickr, instead of turning them into easy (non-thinking) posts here. 2. I don’t have a lot of ideas brewing most days. 3. But even when I do have ideas (I do have a few), my focusing energy has been low. Synthesis and analysis, which usually come easily to me, feel sloggy. I’ve had more energy for gardening and cooking. 4. I also just went a month … Continue reading What’s Up?